Confluence 2008 is an initiative from Indian Academy Centre for Research & Postgraduate Studies, primarily to bring students of life sciences and Chemical sciences on to a common platform to initiate and interact with teachers, scientists, administrators and fellow students from various colleges and universities.
To add value to this annual event students and Faculty from the life sciences and chemical sciences came forward to bring this issue consisting of the abstract of the scientific presentations by eminent scientists and popular articles to give the basic ideas of sciences. I immensely appreciate the interest, hard work and perseverance of our students and teaching faculty in implementing my thoughts into reality. I congratulate each and every individual responsible for bringing out this issue commemorating our 4th successive Confluence. All the articles published in this issue are aimed at promoting awareness among students on applied life sciences and chemical sciences.
I am extremely thankful to Prof.H.A.Ranganath, Vice Chancellor and Mr.Sanjay Vir Singh IPS, Registrar, Bangalore University for their continued support and guidance. I thank all the speakers for consenting to participate in this symposium. I also extend my gratitude to all sponsors who have immensely helped us in bringing out this issue commemorating Confluence 2008.
Best Wishes,
T.Somasekhar, Ph.D.,
Indian Academy Centre for Research & Postgraduate Studies,
Bangalore- 560043