Report - Confluence-2008
Confluence-2008 was a two day program organized by Indian Academy Centre for Research and Post Graduate Studies in the college premises for the Post Graduate students in Bio-chemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Applied Genetics and Microbiology of Bangalore University on 27th and 28th of February 2008. About 350 students from 25 outside colleges of the university participated along with about 250 students of the host college in the event. The details of the program are given under:
27/2/2008 Wednesday
The symposium confluence -2008 was inaugurated by Dr. H.A.Ranganath ,Ph.D., Vice Chancellor , Bangalore University at 9.30am by lighting the lamp in association with Dr.T.Somasekhar,Ph.D., Chairman, Indian Academy Education Trust, Prof. Manjunath, Dept. of Biochemistry, Central College, Prof. K. Manjunath, Dept. of Microbiology, Bangalore University, Dr. Genevieve, Ex-Principal of Mount Carmel College& Governing Council Member, IADC, Prof. Vishwanath, Governing Council Member, IADC & Ex-Syndicate Member, Bangalore University, Prof. S K Sarangi, Chairman, Department of Biotechnology, Bangalore University, Dr. Jayaprakash, Director, Department of Applied Genetics, Bangalore University. Dr.H.A.Ranganath & Dr. Genevieve gave inspiring talks. Mrs. Sangeetha has hosted the function and
Miss. Subha proposed the Vote of Thanks
From 10.30 am to 1.30pm, special lecturers were arranged from Dr.H.A.Ranganath, Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University, Dr. Suryaprakash, IISC., Bangalore, Dr. Laxminarayana, NRDC, New Delhi, Dr. Apurva Sarin, NCBS, Bangalore, Dr. Shyamal Biswas, NICD, Bangalore, Dr. Uday Mitra, IISC, Bangalore at different venues in the college on interesting topics .
Between 1.30pm to 2.15 pm, lunch was provided to all the participants.
2.15pm to 5.30pm lecture competition among the student participants was held. The judges for the competition were Dr. Radhika from NMKRV College, Bangalore, Dr. Suchitra from Freedom foundation and Dr.Rama Krishna, IADC.
The winners in the competition are
First place –Mr.Karthik Krishnan, St.Joseph’s College
Second place-Miss. Pragathi, Oxford College
Third place-Miss.Anushree, NMKRV College
Quiz preliminary was conducted for 62 teams. Out of which 5 teams were selected for the final. Elimination was done based on written examination.
28/2/2008 Thursday
Special lecturers were organized at 3 different venues Seminar Hall 1,2 & 3 by :
Dr. Nagaraj Karaba, UAS GKBK, Dr. Vageesh Babu, IAHR, Dr. Maneesha S Inamdar, JNCASR, in Seminar Hall 1.
Dr: Nagaveni, IWST, Dr: Raghunath, SDTCRTD, Dr. Suchithra, Freedom Foundation in Seminar Hall 2.
Dr. Eugene Sebastian, IIHR, Dr. Nagaraju, St. Joseph’s College, Dr. Goutham Chatterjee, GE India, in Seminar Hall 3.
Lunch was provided between 1 – 2pm. 2-3pm Poster Presentation was judged in Biotechnology lab by Prof. Prabhakar, NMKRV College, Mr. Prasanna Srinivas, IADC. Winners are
• First Prize - Miss. Anitha / Miss Subha, Maharani Science College.
• Second Prize - Miss Dipanta / Miss Sarada, Jain College
• Third Prize- Mr. Gopal/ Miss Divya, Oxford College.
3-3.30 pm Debate Competition was organized on the topic: IPR in BT Boon/Bane for common man.
Judges were Dr. Jesiah Selvam, Director, Indian Academy School of Management Studies, Prof. Chennarayappa, PG Program Co-Ordinator, IACRPGS.
Winners are:
• First Place – Miss. Ramitha/ Miss. Anaia, Oxford College,
• Second Place –Mr. Arun Patric/ Mr. Karthik, St.Joseph’s College.
• Third Place-shared between Miss.Jofy/ Miss.Neetu, IACRPGS and
Miss.Pragathi/ Miss. Partho, Oxford College.
3.30-4.30pm- Quiz was conducted for the 5 qualified teams by Dr. Senthil Kumar, Mrs. Rajeswari, Miss. Hansa Gupta and Miss. Shreya Nandi, IACRPGS. Winners are:
First Place -Miss. Sarada/ Miss. Linda, Jain College
Second Place- Padmini/ Miss. Divya, Jain College
Third Place – Mr. Gopal/Mr. Rishi, Oxford College.
5-6pm – Valedictory Function:
Chief Guest was Sri. Sanjay Vir Singh, IPS, Inspector General of Police & Registrar, Bangalore University. Dr. T. Somasekhar, Chairman, IAET, Prof. Chennarayappa, PG Program Co-Ordinator, IACRPGS, Prof. S. Ramakrishna, Governing Council Member, IADC, were on the Dias. Miss. Subha has hosted the function. Dr. Somasekhar has welcomed the guest. The Chief Guest gave an inspiring talk on “CYBER CRIME.”
Mrs. Sangeetha proposed the vote of thanks. The program was concluded with National Anthem.